Ascension, Your Seer Gift, the Council

A practical guide to experience the Courts and Council of Heaven in the context of business and life

8 modules, Videos, and Narrative


How This Course Can Benefit Your Life

This self-help course is your doorway to a Seer Gift, The Courts of Heaven, and the Council

1 | Experiencing Seeing & Doing in the Kingdom

Seers and Doers is the textbook on Amazon that tells the story of sons bringing Heaven to Earth. This is the sister course that takes it from theory to practice. Release your seer gift and accept your invitation to the Courts of Heaven and Father's Council.

2 | The Courts of Heaven Dealing with Accusations

The Courts of Heaven is real and liberating. You will learn how to break off generation influences at their roots and set captives free. You will learn to put your seer gift to work and see the jailbreak that goes with lifting accusation off those you minister to.

3 | God's Divine Council Learning to Co-Labor

Taking your heavenly seat in the Council is all about seeing what Father is doing and doing it with Him. The council is a forum for your conversations with Father, Jesus, and the Seven Spirits. The Council is the centerpiece of my devotional and prophetic life. It's alive!

1 | Experiencing Seeing & Doing in the Kingdom

Seers and Doers is the textbook on Amazon that tells the story of sons bringing Heaven to Earth. This is the sister course that takes it from theory to practice. Release your seer gift and accept your invitation to the Courts of Heaven and Father's Council.

2 |The Courts of Heaven Dealing with Accusations

The Courts of Heaven is real and liberating. You will learn how to break off generation influences at their roots and set captives free. You will learn to put your seer gift to work and see the jailbreak that goes with lifting accusation off those you minister to.

3 | God's Divine Council Learning to Co-Labor

Taking your heavenly seat in the Council is all about seeing what Father is doing and doing it with Him. The council is a forum for your conversations with Father, Jesus, and the Seven Spirits. The Council is the centerpiece of my devotional and prophetic life. It's alive!

About John

John Garfield

The movement sweeping our nation and the world is tumultuous and planned at the same time. God is about to pull the curtain back on a reformation that touches people, businesses, and nations. It all starts with getting connected with the desires God wrote in your heart.

John Garfield was raised on a cattle ranch in the big sky country of Montana. As an engineer, pastor, author, and speaker, he still sees the big picture.

John's purpose is:

Intentional Reformation • To clarify (and being carried by) the purpose God wrote in our hearts, • So that we create value for others, prosper, experience tribe, and contribute to an organic reformation of:

1) People, 2) Businesses, and 3) Nations.

John and Sue live in Ken-newick, WA and have 4 Kids and 7 grandchildren.

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